What's Shakin', Bacon? The Fun Phrase and Its Impact on Modern Slang


What's Shakin', Bacon? The Fun Phrase and Its Impact on Modern Slang

"What's shakin', bacon?" is a playful phrase that has become a part of everyday slang. It’s often used as a fun and lighthearted way to ask someone how they're doing or what’s going on in their life. This quirky expression brings a smile to many faces and adds a bit of humor to daily conversations.

In this article, we will explore the meaning and origin of this phrase, how it became popular, and its role in modern slang. We’ll also look at how you can use it in your conversations, its variations, and other fun phrases that have emerged alongside it.

Meaning of "What's Shakin', Bacon?"

The phrase "What's shakin', bacon?" is a casual greeting that can be translated as "What's going on?" or "How are you?" It’s meant to be humorous and is often said with a playful tone. The use of "bacon" as a term of endearment or fun nickname adds to the charm of the phrase.

When someone asks "what's shakin bacon?", they’re essentially asking about the latest news or updates in your life, but in a lighthearted, informal way.

The Playfulness of the Phrase

This phrase stands out because of its playful nature. Instead of asking someone a typical "How are you?" or "What's up?", "What's shakin', bacon?" breaks the norm with its rhyming and fun word choice. It shows a sense of humor and a desire to bring a little joy to the conversation.

Origins of "What's Shakin', Bacon?"

Like many slang phrases, it’s not easy to pinpoint the exact origin of "What's shakin', bacon?". However, the phrase seems to have gained popularity in the mid-20th century as part of the cool, jazzy slang used by young people and in pop culture.

The phrase fits with the playful and rhythmic nature of 1950s and 1960s American slang, which was heavily influenced by jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, and beatnik culture. In this era, phrases like "What’s cooking, good looking?" or "What’s the word, bird?" became popular as part of the youth's evolving language.

The Role of Rhyming in Slang

Rhyming slang has always been a big part of informal, conversational language. Rhyming makes phrases easier to remember, more engaging, and often more fun to say. "What's shakin', bacon?" is a great example of this, as the rhyme adds an element of fun that a simple "What's up?" lacks.

Popularity in Modern Culture

Although "What's shakin', bacon?" is not as widely used as it once was, it still pops up in modern conversation, particularly when someone wants to bring a bit of humor into the mix. You might hear it in movies, TV shows, or among friends who enjoy quirky and retro slang.

The phrase has also found a place in memes and internet culture. In today’s world, where communication is often short and punchy, a fun phrase like "What's shakin', bacon?" can make interactions feel more lively.

How to Use "What's Shakin', Bacon?"

If you’re looking to add a bit of fun to your greetings, "What's shakin', bacon?" is a great option. You can use it in casual conversations with friends, coworkers, or family members. It’s an excellent icebreaker or a way to add some humor when catching up with someone.

Here are a few examples of how you might use the phrase:

  • Example 1:

    • Person 1: “Hey! What’s shakin’, bacon?”
    • Person 2: “Not much, just hanging out. You?”
  • Example 2:

    • Person 1: “What's shakin', bacon? How’s your day going?”
    • Person 2: “Pretty good! Just finished up some work. How about you?”
  • Example 3:

    • Person 1: “What’s shakin’, bacon? Haven’t seen you in ages!”
    • Person 2: “I know! We should catch up soon!”

As you can see, the phrase works well as a fun way to check in with someone or start a conversation. It's playful, and it can help set a relaxed tone for the rest of the discussion.

Variations of "What's Shakin', Bacon?"

Over time, people have adapted the phrase in different ways, creating fun variations to suit different contexts. Here are a few alternatives you can try:

  • "What's cooking, good looking?"
    This is a popular variation that rhymes and adds a bit of charm by including a compliment. It’s a playful way to ask someone what they’re up to.

  • "What's the deal, banana peel?"
    This is another fun, rhyming phrase that plays on the humor of quirky food-related nicknames.

  • "What's buzzin', cousin?"
    This variation adds a familial tone with "cousin" but still keeps the fun, rhythmic pattern.

  • "What's happening, captain?"
    This phrase keeps the spirit of "What's shakin', bacon?" but swaps out the rhyme for another playful title.

Each of these phrases serves the same purpose as "What's shakin', bacon?", allowing you to mix up your greetings and keep conversations light.

Fun Phrases and Modern Slang

The evolution of language has always been influenced by the desire for brevity and fun. In modern slang, many phrases are designed to convey a sense of playfulness, humor, or a laid-back attitude.

Some phrases that have become popular in recent times include:

  • "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) – This phrase became popular as a way to encourage people to live in the moment and take chances.

  • "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) – A modern term used to describe the anxiety of missing out on exciting events or experiences.

  • "Lit" – This word is used to describe something exciting or amazing, often in the context of parties or events.

  • "Fam" – A shortened version of "family" used to refer to close friends or people you have a strong connection with.

Slang is constantly evolving, and phrases like "What's shakin', bacon?" serve as a reminder that language can be fun and dynamic.


1. What does "What's shakin', bacon?" mean?

"What's shakin', bacon?" is a playful way of asking someone what's going on or how they are doing. It's a fun and informal greeting.

2. Where did the phrase originate?

The phrase likely originated in mid-20th-century American slang, influenced by the jazz and rock ‘n’ roll cultures of the time.

3. Can I use "What's shakin', bacon?" in formal settings?

It’s best to use this phrase in informal settings, such as with friends or in casual conversations. It might not be appropriate in professional or formal environments.

4. What are some other fun phrases like "What's shakin', bacon?"

Other similar phrases include "What's cooking, good looking?" and "What's buzzin', cousin?" These variations follow the same playful, rhyming pattern.

5. Why do people use food-related nicknames in these phrases?

Using food-related nicknames like "bacon" adds a humorous and light-hearted touch to the conversation, making the phrase more fun and memorable.


"What's shakin', bacon?" is a classic example of how slang evolves to make communication more fun and engaging. This playful phrase has stood the test of time and remains a charming way to greet someone. By adding a little humor and personality to your conversations, you can make interactions more enjoyable for both you and the person you're talking to.

Whether you're catching up with a friend or just want to bring a smile to someone’s face, using a fun phrase like "What's shakin', bacon?" is a great way to keep things light and entertaining.


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